Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why Open a Kitchen Remodel Shop Now?

Q: Why open a Kitchen Remodel shop now? Isn’t this a terrible economy? Aren’t home prices falling?
A: Yes many are worried about the economy. It is difficult to market properties right now. But some folks not wanting to sell into such a soft market are choosing to stay put and update their existing home. The housing market has ups and downs, sometimes when its going up that’s all that we can see and when its going down that’s all we can see. However the fact is that this market will turn around at some point. So it makes good sense to keep a home in good condition.
The kitchen is always an important consideration in buying a home. For example granite counters have really become the standard, many home buyers have come to expect that a home should have granite counters, stainless steel appliances, more hard surface flooring, and a nice backsplash.

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